Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Dangerous Rock Music essays
Dangerous Rock Music essays Rock music and the word dangerous have been known to be used in the same sentence together; is it dangerous because of the lyrics or is it just dangerous to our hearing? Rock music has been around since the fifties, so has the last 40 years created dangerous people causing violence and mayhem or is violence just in our nature? Parents have been trying to fight against the devil music (Rock music) that was corrupting the youth since the fifties and are still trying to rid the world of it. Yet, it is ok to play tackle football, hockey, boxing and be on the wrestling team because those are considered a sport. Parents can only see music associated with pain, sex and violence. There is no proof from either side that music contributes to violence, parents are using just casual observation. Just because of a few committed acts of anger, people point fingers and use music as a sense of reason for horrible active violence. The truth is that rock music is just not dangerous and if we we re to pinpoint where the violence in our society begun, it would be in the quality of our parenting. Parents cannot take away The freedom of speech amendment that are forefathers created for us. Without it the government would censer and take away our rights. Our forefathers could not imagine that one day there would be music so disgusting, violent, loud, sexual, and contain foul language. People of today believe rock music manipulates the mind of young innocent people. The Freedom of Speech amendment is overused and needs to be rewritten by the government. It is not the peoples fault for listening to violent rock music: it is the artists who created the music, peer pressure from friends and family, music television (MTV), fashion, fame and society. Under the guise of free speech merchandisers are aggressively doing violence to our kids. They in turn, are doing violence to each other (527 Cultural Vandals)....
Friday, November 22, 2019
Can You Write in the SAT Booklet
Can You Write in the SAT Booklet SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips After you take the SAT, your score will be determined by the little bubbles you fill in on your scantron sheet - a sheet where there’s no place to show your work. It’s normal (even important) to want to take notes and work through problems. Since you won't receive any extra scratch paper in the testing room, your SAT booklet is the place to do it. Here, I’ll go over what, how, and even why you should write in your test booklet. That little stack of paper might end up more helpful than you expected. Can You Write in the SAT Test Booklet? AsI mentioned above, you are allowed to write in the SAT booklet. There are no limitations to where or what you scribble (although I’d caution you against writing anything that could be construed as a message to other test-takers). I’ll go into more detail about how to use your booklet in the next section, but here’s the most important information you should take away from this article: Write anything you’d like - notes, diagrams, or calculations - but remember that nothing you write in the SAT test booklet will be graded. Graders won’t even see your test booklet, which means you don't have to worry about showing your work or making your notes legible. Even if you're not a big note-taker, you can still use your booklet to work more efficiently.For example, you might mark answers in your test booklet first, and then transfer your responses to the answer sheet at the end of the section (most students save time by doing this). How Do You Use the SAT Booklet Effectively? Some students love marking up tests and reading passages, whereas others have a natural tendency to keep their tests pretty pristine. I want to encourage you to make the most of your SAT test booklet by taking notes all over it! Here are some tips and strategies for marking your booklet that will save time and improve your performance: When you're taking the SAT, you'll want to make use of all available resources - including the SAT booklet itself. Use Notes to Engage With Reading Passages You'll have to read through quite a few passages on the SAT, and most of them aren't exactly exciting. It can be difficult to stay focused and alert over a long period of time, especially when you're dealing with material like this. You may end up wasting time if you have to read passages or sections of passages multiple times due to a lack of focus.Actively reading - taking notes and engaging with the passage the first time you read it - may help you save time. If you understand the passage better the first time you go over it, you won’t have to go back and re-read as often. This gives you more time to focus on the questions. Here are some universally helpful active reading strategies: Underlining topic sentences and thesis sentences Circling key terms Taking notes in the margins alongside each paragraph (e.g. just a few words summarizing the main point) Use Notes to Work Through Math Problems (Especially Word Problems) When you have to keep track of several variables or steps, writing down your thought process will keep you from getting confused. You should also mark up geometry diagrams with information that’s provided in the questions themselves! This is especially helpful when figures are not drawn to scale - you don't want to make any assumptions about the dimensions of a figure. Mark Up Your Questions and Answer Choices When you usethe process of elimination, get a helpful visual of your thought process by crossing off the answers you know to be incorrect (this saves you time if you come back to the question later). If you decide to skip a particularly difficult question - this is an important time management strategy - circle it! This provides a helpful visual cue for when you double back to the question after finishing the rest of the section. Don't Waste Time With Notes That Won't Help Your Score AsI mentioned earlier, no one is going to see or grade the notes you make on the SAT booklet. Don’t worry about explaining your answers (I know it’s a force of habit for many students) - there are no points for showing your work. The Most Important Things You Should Remember Yes, you can write all over the SAT test booklet. No, nothing you write on the booklet will be graded (so remember to transfer your answers to the response sheet). And yes, strategically marking up your booklet can save you time and improve your score! What's Next? Marking up your SAT booklet isn't the only helpful strategy you should know about before taking the test. First, you'll want to make sure you're physically and mentally prepared for test day. Start by checking out our guide to how you should spend the night before the SAT - then, read our post on exactly what to expect the day of the exam. Finally, learn about the top SAT test day tips to make sure you optimize your score. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Compare Emilia and Desdemona Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Compare Emilia and Desdemona - Essay Example Her speech here with lines like ,"So much I challenge that I may profess/ Due to the Moor my lord"(I, iii, 191-192) makes her appear to be an articulate woman who knows her own mind, a woman who has eloped with a racially disparate man, and is able to defend her choice with sagacity and courage. Desdemona's resolute profession of her love shows us the practical nature and the intensity of her affections: "My downright violence and storm of fortunes/May trumpet to the world: my heart's subdued/ Even to the very quality of my lord:/I saw Othello's visage in his mind,/And to his honor and his valiant parts/ Did I my soul and fortunes consecrate". ( I, iii, 254- 59)She is a woman in love, who is ready to go to strange parts in order to be with her husband, and is also a woman much loved, as we see when she is reunited with her husband at Cyprus. "Desdemona was a stranger, not just different in class from Emilia, different in species. Emilia watched her from a cautious distance, the impulsive girl whose giddy love, written on her incandescent face, demonstrated that she had nothing in common with her".(Rutter, 2001) Emilia's marriage is of long standing and she has seen the world with all its realities. Her husband does not lose a moment in putting her down in company, and does so viciously and with a barely concealed venom, slandering not just her but her entire kind: "Come on, come on; you are pictures out of doors,/Bells in your parlors, wild-cats in your kitchens,/Saints in your injuries, devils being offended, Players in your housewifery, and housewives' in your beds". ( II, i, 113-117)We know from the very beginning that though loyal to her husband, she is living a loveless marriage. And beyond a few one-line dialogs, she indeed has no speech in the first scenes after her appearance. Having left her father's home and the confines of Venetian society for the first time, Desdemona is in a relaxed frame of mind. Somewhat guileless, her circumstances of living with her married love have made her cheerful, bantering, tolerant , as is evident from her good-humored response even to Iago's lack of taste in his very first conversation with her. She mislays her handkerchief, and lovingly nags her husband on Cassio's case by playing the shrew, fully assured of her power over Othello and her ability to make him do her bidding. She feels it her part to play the nagging wife and present it as a 'boon' to the husband: Her performance exploits and collapses the two male fantasies that most define early modern wives: the one, negative, of the shrew, and the other, the ideal of the submissive subordinate. Lest we believe the stereotypes and think Desdemona truly shrewish, she announces that she will play the shrew.....In merging the postures of good wife and shrew, Desdemona indirectly challenges the presumption of their difference enforced in marriage handbooks, homilies, church courts, misogynist pamphlets, and the like. Her performance highlights what that discourse masks: that to be a shrew is, in fact, to follow the rules, to be obediently disobedient, to fill a role created by (male) authorities who needed shrews in order to contain, by criminalizing, female speech. Conversely, Desdemona also places outspokenness within the perimeters of appropriate wifely
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Online Collaboration Vs Face-to-Face interaction Essay
Online Collaboration Vs Face-to-Face interaction - Essay Example Online collaborative tools like video conferencing and net meeting provide an alternative way that allows people to communicate with each other across the countries or even continents. In this essay, an effort will be made to discuss whether online collaboration can potentially replace face-to-face interaction in the organization or not. Subsequently, the essay will also try to explain the limitations of online collaboration. Social presence of media will also be discussed to show the difference between face-to-face interaction and other communication media. By drawing upon Xeon case study, the aspect of trust will be clarified to distinguish between face-to-face interaction and online communication. The essay ends up with the conclusion of the main points and gives an opinion regarding the replacement of face-to-face interaction with online collaboration. There are many potentially important factors that lead to the replacement of face-to-face interaction with online collaboration. To begin with, the increasing globalization of business (Chidambaram and Jones, 1993), team members are located in different countries. So it hardly depends only on face-to-face interaction. ... Meanwhile, development in new technology and infrastructure also smoothens and supports the remote collaborators to communicate in different locations (Tang and Isaacs, 1992). Examples of online collaboration are video conferencing, audio conferencing, electronic meeting systems (EMS), teleconferencing, electronic mail, online chatting, calendaring system, information and knowledge repositories, newsgroups, project management system, telephone conferencing, video whiteboards (Qureshi and Zigurs, 2001). The major benefits of online collaboration tools are saving travel costs and time. People can interact anytime and anywhere, therefore many organizations implement or plan to implement online collaboration tools and expect that it will yield benefits in tune with the investments made in these tools. Thirdly, people change their life style and the way of working. They are very much familiar with the computer systems and the computer seems to have become a part of their life. Some people are addicted to the virtual world to such an extent that they start believing it to be the real one. This therefore leads to the notion that the virtual world has the potential to replace face-to-face interaction in real life. In my opinion, online collaboration plays an important role in today's business world and it is worth to invest in the collaborative technologies because it will eventually lead to more cooperation between different units or companies. In addition, knowledge can be shared freely which in turn would lead to creation of a pro-innovation environment thus resulting in the greatest benefits for the organization. Even though the potential of online collaboration replacing
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The developing awareness of Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free
The developing awareness of Romeo and Juliet Essay This essay will contain the developing awareness of Romeo and Juliet throughout the play. It will relate to both characters feelings towards each other, it will also show how other characters are portrayed as they relate to one another and to Romeo and Juliet. The essay will describe the levels of society who came to watch Shakespeares plays from the groundlings to the aristocracy. It will also portray Romeo and Juliets reactions to different situations. Shakespeare opens the play with a disagreement between the Montague servants and the Capulet servants, which starts off with a relatively minor insult where Sampson, a Montague, bites has thumb at the Capulet servants, which in those times was a disgrace to them if they bear it. It then went on to develop into a fight. Starting the play in such a profound way would have shown the audience the degree of rivalry between the two gangs. The first mention of Romeo in the play is when Benvolio is telling of the riot to Lady Montague and how has been avoiding him, then Lord Montague speaks of how Romeo prefers night to day. shuts up his windows, locks fair daylight out, And makes himself an artificial night: Black and portentous must his humour prove This suggests that Romeo is suffering from some form of depression. We then meet Romeo, he is talking about how much he loves Rosaline, and how his love is not returned. This shows the audience a huge part of Romeos personality, how he could be so madly in love with a woman without any hope of that love being returned shows he falls in love very easily. When we first meet Juliet, she is a mere child and her mother talks to her about marriage, Juliet is still ver4y young and is not particulally interested. Ill look to like, if looking liking move; But no more deep will I endart mine eye than your consent gives strength to make it fly. This quote illustrates Juliets respect for her parents wishes and her obedience and dependance of them at this stage in the play. Little did her parents know just how waywardly Juliet would become.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
McDonalds: Evolution of the Food Industry Essay -- Management
McDonald's: Evolution of the Food Industry History McDonald's has had a global impact on the food industry. McDonald's developed a revolutionary idea known today as fast-food. This impact began in 1930 when Maurice and Richard McDonald left New Hampshire seeking to make a fortune in Hollywood, started up a drive-in restaurant in San Bernardino. Unlike so many other food-service operations at the time, McDonald's came up with new ideas that turned the usual slow paced dinner into a finely tuned engine. McDonald's offered only a nine-item menu with burgers, French fries, shakes, and pies. They also eliminated seating, and used paper and plastic utensils instead of glass and porcelain. Like Henry Fords assembly line, McDonald's incorporated this idea into their food service, letting them serve hamburgers in less then sixty seconds. The menu was extensively cheaper then competitors which due to the above changes. Although the McDonald's business was doing well, it wasn't until 1954 when Ray Kroc saw the operation that it started to develop into the McDonald's of today. Ray Kroc was a fifty-two year old milk-shake machine salesman at the time and decided to check out McDonalds due to their odd order of eight milk shake mixers for one restaurant. Most of Kroc's customers purchased only one milk shake mixer, and a max of two. Kroc was curious to see what kind of operation needed the capacity to churn so many milk shakes. What Kroc saw that day in 1954 when he pulled up to McDonald's was like nothing he had ever seen. Kroc is quoted as saying "This had to be the most amazing merchandising operation I'd ever seen." Although the McDonald brothers were content with their restaurant, Kroc saw the future and where this idea ... ...'s now knows how important cleanliness is to customers in deciding where to eat. Another interesting look into the future of McDonalds is the ability to bring your laptop into the restaurant and surf the internet while you eat. This new technology brought by McDonald's is in hope of attracting new customers and building customer loyalty. The target of this move is aimed at the younger generation, and the business person on the go. McDonald's has already built a few of these innovative restaurants in early 2003. McDonald's has also opened a few of the innovative restaurants called McCafe. These new cafà © type shops will not resemble that of any other normal McDonalds. The customers will get to choose from premium coffees, muffins, pastries, bagels, and McMuffins. McDonalds believes that the McCafe will do well because of the popularity of McDonald's breakfast.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Rebuttal on Mark Twain’s the World Is Not Civilized Essay
Mark Twain says that the human race I cruel, and uncivilized. Unlike the animals, humans have the ability to care for those who are weak, sick, and otherwise unfortunate. In the wild if an animal is sick or weak, they are abandoned by their own species and are, ultimately, a source of food for another. The wounded are killed without a hesitation. Man has compassion, not only for our species but for the others. There are many organizations that are created to help people in need. There is the Red Cross that steps in during an emergency to provide shelter, blood and food to those who need it. There are homeless shelters that take in the homeless to shelter them from the elements. There are soup-kitchens that feed the homeless. There are children’s homes that provide a safe place for orphaned or abandoned children to grow up. There is Breast Cancer Awareness, AIDS foundations, and a society to end world hunger. All of these organizations are founded to help someone or something that is in need. Twain says â€Å"I was aware that many men who have accumulated more millions of money than they can ever use have shown a rabid hunger for more, and have not scrupled to cheat the ignorant and the helpless out of their poor servings in order to partially appease that appetite†. Even though it may be true that rich men want to get richer, the wealthy people are the ones that are most charitable. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, two of the richest men in America, give millions of dollars annually to various foundations and charities that help people all over the world Man also helps the animals. There are many organizations that help animals and the planet. Some of those include PETA and Green Peace. We even try to help the earth. New inventions are being created just to help the earth. They start business just to keep specific animals from going extinct. We share and support other countries. When the hurricane in Haiti happened people helped. Resources were given because of the generosity of man. When countries are in need they are helped. When the flood came to Tennessee the people gave some time for community service. Some people that didn’t get hit by the flood could have done nothing but they decided to help others. Man created governments to stop the fighting. Laws were created in order to have a calm and safe environment. Man Negotiates to prevent wars and battles from happening. We also come up with compromise and treaties in order to get peace. For example the Treaty of Versailles was ratified after negotiating and finally coming to a compromise. We don’t just go ahead and fight who ever walk across our territories like the lions.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Nurse Prospective of the Sea Inside
Palliative care is the advanced care of patients who are terminally ill and are closer at their lives’ end. Symptom management, pain management, and the provision of social, spiritual and psychological support are carefully given by the practitioner, or by the one who is giving care to the sick person. Palliative care achieves to meet the goal of giving the best quality of life that they can give to the patient and to the patient’s family. Palliative care aims to impart to the patients that dying is a normal process that people undergo once in their lives. Practitioner offers support to patients to be able to live actively until the time of their death. And they aim to provide a system that will help the family cope during the patients’ illness and in their bereavement (â€Å"Palliative Care Explained â€Å"). The Sea Inside in a Nurse’s perspective The movie talks about the life of a quadriplegic. The main character Mr. Ramon Sampedro was a ship mechanic in his younger days. After the tragedy Ramon became bedridden because he restrains himself from being imprisoned by a wheelchair; he believed that being imprisoned by a wheelchair will be just imprisoning him with the scraps of his past. He was a man who had his own perspective and depicted life as his own, and that he had the right to end his life. He, Ramon Sampedro, was the only Spaniard who had requested for Euthanasia (Blaser, Jan. 5, 2005). Among the people who have taken care of Ramon was Manuela his sister-in-law, his father, his older brother Jose, and Gene. His legal counsel Julia gave him sympathy, she listened to Ramon’s sentiments and Ramon listened to her sentiments as well. This is because they share the same perspective that they wanted to â€Å"die with dignity.†The movie provided a general assessment of Palliative care. Each of Ramon’s family members gave justification to the concepts of Palliative care in general. Although there were some concepts of palliative care that were not given justification because Ramon doesn’t have his own nurse to do the Nursing care plan. Nursing care plan includes assessment; subjective and objective, nursing diagnosis, planning, interventions and evaluation. In Ramon’s case, assessment should have been done regularly. Subjective data includes information directly from the patient’s feelings while objective datas are those measured and observed by the physicians. After initial assesment, a problem list should be made consisting possible reasons that affects the patient’s well being qlike family problems, medical diagnosis and many others. Diagnosis comes when the collected datas relates to a certain illness or disease. In planning of interventions to be used, the preparation should be specific, attainable, measureable, realistic and time-bound. Intervension are the methods to be used in order to meet the goals in planning. It includes what medications to be applied, possible surgeries, etc. Every intervension has a rationale like why a nursing action should be done and what is its basis. And lastly, evaluation are written reports about the improvement of patient or the contrary. In evaluation it is stated whether the goals in planing is met, partially met, or not met (By Jane Urie). As shown in the movie, Ramon didn’t want to be loved because he believes that a person undergoing his illness would be creating misery to the person that loves him. This implies that Ramon is having psychological and emotional distress and should have been assessed by a physician to be able to bring him back to life. However, in Julia’s case it was shown that she had undergone observations and treatments when she developed a disease called Cadasil due to her series of strokes, therefore palliative care was well addressed. Pain control for instance was well established in the movie because there was a scene when Ramon was given tranquilizer to stabilize him. Although there was an error in giving him the medication, because if the medication was given by a nurse the nurse should have only given him an exact dosage of the tranquilizer, just one tablet not three. As a nurse exact dosage or amount of medicine should only be given to a patient to prevent overdose and complications. The conflict of the story is about the ethical and moral issues of Euthanasia. Today, euthanasia has been legalized. It was being applied in cases of hopelessness in the recovery of the patient. â€Å"Eu†means good and â€Å"thanator†means death, euthanasia therefore means good death or mercy killing. There are different classifications euthanasia: voluntary, non-voluntary, involuntary, assisted, euthanasia by action, and euthanasia by omission. In voluntary, the patient was the one who requested his death. In non-voluntary, the person who has been killed made no request and gave no consent. In involuntary, the patientmade an expressed wish to the contrary. Assisted Euthanasia is perform with the assistance of the physician or the relatives of the patient. Euthanasia by action makes use of lethal injection while euthanasia by omission is the process wherein the patient is no longer being provided with his needs like food, water, medication, etc. The reasons why it is being practiced are to diminish unbearable pain, the right to commit suicide, and the belief that people should not be forced to stay alive (â€Å"Voluntary Euthanasia †Apr 18, 1996). Ramon wanted to die. He said â€Å"Well, I want to die because I feel that a life in this condition has no dignity.†In the case of Ramon, who is quadriplegic, refusing to live shows that he was experiencing fatigue, depression, anxiety, and Dyspnea (maybe due yo lack of ventillation). Ramon believed that dying is an unevitable part of a man’s life and it is just normal to die. Due to his own beliefs Ramon passed a petition about legalizing suicide or the right to die. A paraplegic priest visited him to discourage his intention of suicide. His brother, Jose, also agrees with the priest and the church’s belief that suicide is immoral, that only God has the right to decide whether an individual should live or die. They believe that God has His reasons and purpose why a person still lives. It was Him wo gave you life, so it is also his decision to take it back. Thereof, this situation talks about morality (â€Å"The Sea Inside,†). As for the health providers, it also brings a great controversy whether to practice Euthanasia or not. Health providers were trained to cure not to kill. And assisting a suicide contradicts the profession with the duty of â€Å"do no harm†. From the movie itself, cultural considerations and individual considerations was well established. There was a clear observation that the people around Ramon did not want to consider his attempt of killing himself. Ramon as an individual had also been given consideration; although his beliefs of death was unjust they still did not oppose to him because they considered his own perceptions and did not want to oppress his rights as an individual. For a nurse, I would consider his beliefs because it was his right but I would not help him accomplish his death. The tragic part of the story is that his family was well oriented and they have accepted that death is coming to Ramon. There was a scene in the movie wherein his father said â€Å"what’s worse having your son die on you, is the fact that he wanted to†. It only shows that he had accepted the death of his child but he had not accepted the fact that his son wanted to die. Ramon’s family had actually given him quality care and unconditional love. Although these were really not enough especially in the case of Ramon. From a nurse’s point of view, the care that the family could have been improved if there is a plan of care that was established. Ramon had supposedly had a life that is worth living. His family loved him and took care of him, he had a book published, two women were linked to him and the sympathy of the nation was on him but he refused all these and exchanged it to death. He had exchanged all the beautiful things he had in life because he justified his life as his. For years Ramon had actually internalized that death is in his hands and that he had the right to end his life. Generally speaking, Ramon had actually lived a life that is not worth living because he restraints himself from having so. As a nurse, I could have implied to Ramon that his life is worth living and that he need not to worry that he will be a big burden to his family and to the people he loved while he is living. It is not a nurse’s job to kill but rather to nurture. References Blaser, A. (Jan. 5, 2005). Bizzaro Breathing Lessons [Electronic Version] from http://www.ragged-edge-mag.com/reviews/blaserseainside.html. By Jane Urie, B., MRPharmS, Helen Fielding, MSc, MRPharmS, Dorothy McArthur, MSc, MRPharmS, Moira Kinnear, MSc, MRPharmS, Steve Hudson, MPharm, FRPharmS, and Marie Fallon, MD, FRCP. Palliative care [Electronic Version] from http://www.pjonline.com/Editorial/20001021/special_feature/palliative_care_603-614.html. Palliative Care Explained [Electronic Version] from http://www.ncpc.org.uk/palliative_care.html. The Sea Inside [Electronic Version] from http://www.boxofficeprophets.com/tickermaster/listing.cfm?TMID=1556. Voluntary Euthanasia (Apr 18, 1996).    Â
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Sample Short Answer on Soccer for Common Application
Sample Short Answer on Soccer for Common Application College applications often include a short essay that asks you to elaborate on your most meaningful extracurricular activity or work experience. The Common Application used to require a short answer response of 150 words or fewer, and today many schools have retained the short answer in the supplemental essay section. The question will often ask something straight-forward like this: Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. Features of a Weak Short Answer The short answer repeats similar ideas in slightly different words.The essay employs vague language.The response is filled with clichà ©s and predictable language.The response doesnt explain why the activity is important to the author. Short should not be confused with unimportant. When a college has holistic admissions, every piece of the application is important since the admissions folks want to get to know you as a whole person. The short answer needs to convey your passion for something you do, and it should also explain why the activity is important to you. In this sample short answer response, Gwen writes about her passion for soccer, but she makes many common mistakes in the process. Sample Short Answer Response by Gwen Simply put, I love soccer. I love being part of a team of girls who go out there and give their all, heart and soul, in every game. We truly are a family in our team. I love being a part of that family and taking a leadership role, both on and off the field. Soccer has also helped me be a better leader in student organizations and class work, where I take a proactive role. Whether it is a good defensive block or scoring the winning goal, soccer is an empowering part of my life, and I would not be the person I am today without it. Critique of Gwens Short Answer Response Gwens short answer response is not terrible- the language is easy to read and Gwens love of soccer comes across forcefully. However, Gwens response does have several problems: The language is repetitive. Gwen says I love three times, and she repeats the ideas of family and leadership twice.The languge is vague. What does Gwen mean when she says she takes a proactive role? What is her leadership role? What exactly does she mean when she says soccer made her the person I am today?Some language is clichà ©. Phrases like heart and soul and scoring the winning goal appear in far too many essays about sports.The response is short and doesnt say much. The typical 150-word limit isnt much space in which to elaborate on an activity, yet Gwens response is just 540 characters/108 words (and, as noted, those words are repetitive and vague). Gwen hasnt used the short answer to her advantage. Gwen does sound like a perfectly pleasant and enthusiastic student who works well with a team, but her response could be so much stronger. We finish her short answer response without a clear sense of the type of leader she is or what leadership roles she has assumed. Theres nothing concrete here to illustrate how soccer has made her a stronger person and better student. A Final Word on Short Answer Responses To see what a stronger short answer response looks like, be sure to check out Christies essay on running and Joels response on his job at Burger King. Christies response shows how an athletic activity can be presented more effectively than Gwen does, and Joel shows how a relatively unenjoyable activity- a fast food job- can still prove meaningful and valuable. Dont be misled by the word short. You should put plenty of time and care into this type of little essay. Work to follow the guidelines for a winning short answer, and be sure to steer clear of common short answer mistakes.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
History of Gamelan Indonesian Music and Dance
History of Gamelan Indonesian Music and Dance Across Indonesia, but particularly on the islands of Java and Bali, gamelan is the most popular form of traditional music. A gamelan ensemble consists of a variety of metal percussion instruments, usually made of bronze or brass, including xylophones, drums, and gongs. It may also feature bamboo flutes, wooden stringed instruments, and vocalists, but the focus is on the percussion. The name gamelan comes from gamel, a Javanese word for a type of hammer used by a blacksmith. Gamelan instruments are often made of metal, and many are played with hammer-shaped mallets, as well. Although metal instruments are expensive to make, compared with those of wood or bamboo, they will not mold or deteriorate in Indonesias hot, steamy climate. Scholars suggest that this may be one of the reasons that gamelan developed, with its signature metallic sound. Where and when was gamelan invented? How has it changed over the centuries? Origins of Gamelan Gamelan seems to have developed early in the history of what is now Indonesia. Unfortunately, however, we have very few good sources of information from the early period. Certainly, gamelan seems to have been a feature of court life during the 8th to 11th centuries, among the Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms of Java, Sumatra, and Bali. For example, the great Buddhist monument of Borobudur, in central Java, includes a bas-relief depiction of a gamelan ensemble from the time of the Srivijaya Empire, c. 6th-13th centuries CE. The musicians play stringed instruments, metal drums, and flutes. Of course, we do not have any record of what the music these musicians were playing sounded like, sadly. Classical Era Gamelan During the 12th to 15th centuries, the Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms began to leave more complete records of their doings, including their music. Literature from this era mentions the gamelan ensemble as an important element of court life, and further relief carvings on various temples support the importance of metal percussion music during this period. Indeed, members of the royal family and their courtiers were all expected to learn how to play gamelan and were judged on their musical accomplishments as much as their wisdom, bravery, or physical appearance. The Majapahit Empire (1293-1597) even had a government office in charge of supervising the performing arts, including gamelan. The arts office oversaw the construction of musical instruments, as well as scheduling performances at the court. During this period, inscriptions and bas-reliefs from Bali show that the same types of musical ensembles and instruments were prevalent there as in Java; this is not surprising since both islands were under the control of the Majapahit emperors. During the Majapahit era, the gong made its appearance in Indonesian gamelan. Likely imported from China, this instrument joined other foreign additions such as stitched-skin drums from India and bowed strings from Arabia in some types of gamelan ensembles. The gong has been the longest-lasting and most influential of these imports. Music and the Introduction of Islam During the 15th century, the people of Java and many other Indonesian islands gradually converted to Islam, under the influence of Muslim traders from the Arabian peninsula and south Asia. Fortunately for gamelan, the most influential strain of Islam in Indonesia was Sufism, a mystical branch that values music as one of the pathways to experiencing the divine. Had a more legalistic brand of Islam been introduced, it might have resulted in the extinction of gamelan in Java and Sumatra. Bali, the other major center of gamelan, remained predominantly Hindu. This religious schism weakened the cultural ties between Bali and Java, although trade continued between the islands throughout the 15th to 17th centuries. As a result, the islands developed different forms of gamelan. Balinese gamelan began to emphasize virtuosity and quick tempos, a trend later encouraged by Dutch colonists. In keeping with Sufi teachings, Javas gamelan tended to be slower in tempo and more meditative or trance-like. European Incursions In the mid-1400s, the first European explorers reached Indonesia, intent on elbowing their way into the rich Indian Ocean spice and silk trade. The first to arrive were the Portuguese, who started out with small-scale coastal raids and piracy but managed to capture the key straits at Malacca in 1512. The Portuguese, along with the Arab, African, and Indian slaves they brought with them, introduced a new variety of music into Indonesia. Known as kroncong, this new style combined gamelan-like intricate and interlocking musical patterns with western instrumentation, such as the ukulele, cello, guitar, and violin. Dutch Colonization and Gamelan In 1602, a new European power made its way into Indonesia. The powerful Dutch East India Company ousted the Portuguese and began to centralize power over the spice trade. This regime would last until 1800 when the Dutch crown took over directly. Dutch colonial officials left only a few good descriptions of gamelan performances. Rijklof van Goens, for example, noted that the king of Mataram, Amangkurat I (r. 1646-1677), had an orchestra of between thirty and fifty instruments, primarily gongs. The orchestra played on Mondays and Saturdays when the king entered the court for a type of tournament. van Goens describes a dance troupe, as well, of between five and nineteen maidens, who danced for the king to the gamelan music. Gamelan in Post-Independence Indonesia Indonesia became fully independent of the Netherlands in 1949. The new leaders had the unenviable task of creating a nation-state out of a collection of different islands, cultures, religions, and ethnic groups. The Sukarno regime established publicly-funded gamelan schools during the 1950s and 1960s, in order to encourage and sustain this music as one of the national art forms of Indonesia. Some Indonesians objected to this elevation of a musical style associated primarily with Java and Bali as a national art form; in a multiethnic, multicultural country, of course, there are no universal cultural properties. Today, gamelan is an important feature of shadow puppet shows, dances, rituals, and other performances in Indonesia. Although stand-alone gamelan concerts are unusual, the music may also be heard frequently on the radio. Most Indonesians today have embraced this ancient musical form as their national sound. Sources: Bali and Beyond: A History of Gamelan.Gamelan: Venerable Lake of Honey, University of MichiganJavanese Gamelan: A History of Gamelan MusicSpiller, Henry. Gamelan: The Traditional Sounds of Indonesia, Volume 1, ABC-CLIO, 2004.Sumarsam. Gamelan: Cultural Interaction and Musical Development in Central Java, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Cynthia Cooper and WorldCom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Cynthia Cooper and WorldCom - Essay Example This expose elucidates on the appropriate decision that Cynthia should take to deal with this issue. From the onset, it is crucial to point out that the right decision for Cynthia would be reporting these fraudulent acts to her superiors without making the information public. In order to make her case strong, Cynthia should use the findings from the additional investigations she carried out in order to ensure that the exposure has enough merit. However, it is crucial for her to seek another job before taking any action since the decision taken might leave her jobless. Any decision that one might take in such a situation has various implications. One such implication would be on the families affected by the whistle blowing in case of termination of careers and effectively the source of livelihood. Cynthia Hooper is no exceptional and has to consider her career and family and the careers of other employees, something I would do in her shoes. According to Sissela Bok, â€Å"Would-be whistleblowers confront the conflict inherent in all dissent: between conforming and sticking their ne cks out. The more repressive the authority they challenge, the greater the personal risk they take in speaking out†(as cited in Donaldson & Werhane, 2007). In this regard, there is a big risk of one’s livelihood and that of the family and the career of the whistleblower in case the superiors view such acts as dissent. Donaldson and Werhane (2007) further support this idea by stating that, â€Å"When audiences are not free to receive or to act on the information-when censorship or fear of retribution stifles response-then the message rebounds to injure the whistleblower.†The most important reason for reporting the extra findings indicate that Cynthia is showing responsibility by indicating the extra steps taken towards unearthing the truth. When making this decision however, it is crucial for her to remember that she may face accusations
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