Saturday, May 23, 2020
Racism in the United States - 787 Words
Racism is the trend of thought, or way of thinking, which attaches great importance to the notion of the existence of separate human races and superiority of races that are usually associated with inherited physical characteristics or cultural events. Racism is not a scientific theory, but a set of preconceived opinions they value the biological differences between humans, attributing superiority to some according to racial roots. Even in such ethnically diverse country as the United States, racism continues evident against people of different ethnic traits and skin color. According to Steinberg (Steinberg, 1995), racial discrimination has been the most important cause of inequality between whites and blacks in the U.S. Because of that, minorities in American society have been fighting over years for equal rights and respect, starting with the civil rights movement in 1960s. Also, public policies implemented since 1964 in the United States have been instrumental in reducing economic inequality between blacks and whites, such as the affirmative action, a federal program that tries to include minority groups by providing jobs and educational opportunities (Taylor, 1994). From this perspective, does racism still play a dominant role in American values and American society? If so, what are the consequences of this racism that still remain in American society? What is the impact of the Barack Obama presidency on the unending fight against racism in this country? Since everyoneShow MoreRelatedRacism And The United States1053 Words  | 5 PagesMost countries would say that the United States does not have a culture, but it is actually the opposite. There are so many cultures the United States harbors that we cannot choose just one culture as our flag. Most of them are borrowed from other countries via immigrants but there is one culture specific to the United States. Black Culture is unique to the United States, and it is faced with its possible destruction. The problem is prevalent enough to spawn TV shows and movies that discuss suchRead MoreRacism At The United States926 Words  | 4 PagesAfter being arrested in the United States, African Americans are 52% more likely to be detained than whites while facing a felony trial. For decades, Americans were being judgmental towards each other based on the complexion of another person’s skin. It is now 2015, and racism is still a big factor in our country. So, why does racism still ex ist after all these year? Racism will always be the thorn in our sides that keeps our country from truly accepting our differences and our opinions or lifestylesRead MoreRacism And The United States1178 Words  | 5 Pages America is internationally viewed as a land where all races, ethnicities and people have equal representation and freedom of equality. Not only, is this international recognition what makes the United States a divergent society, but it is the principles that we were established on that makes us a well-functioning society. Although, these American principles elude to a liberating, symbolic, and personal appeal, it is internally flawed by governments beyond the beltway. Corruption is the root of allRead MoreThe Racism Of The United States2154 Words  | 9 PagesPolitical Racism in United States Philosopher Kwame Gyekye defines the human affairs that means the experience of human beings. To distinguish relevant information and to dissect human activities, â€Å"essential universalism†and â€Å"contingent universalism†are defined its components and purpose with the limited discernment of humans and their undertakings. A large portion of this section is devoted the development of human behavior in this phenomena. My research paper will talk about the genre of racismRead MoreRacism During The United States1282 Words  | 6 PagesRacism in the United States Whites seemingly have always thought they were somehow superior to colored people. Whites in England conquered half the world just to show how powerful they were. Spaniards used Native Americans as slaves to mine gold in the early days of Mexico. America relied on slaves to farm for them or perform household chores. After slavery was abolished in most countries, racism prevailed. In the United States whites established the â€Å"Separate but Equal†idea. For example, whitesRead MoreRacism : The United States Of America885 Words  | 4 PagesRacism in The United States of America Racism has been part of American History since the beginning of the Countries origin. This issue includes the mistreatment of The Native Americans that were forced out of their lands and placed on reservations to black slaves being brought here from Africa. Throughout the history of this great nation people of the U.S. have moved away from these racist beliefs, yet, it is still a relevant issue in today’s society. Today slavery is no longer an institution, andRead MoreRacism in the United States Essay898 Words  | 4 Pagescommunity garnered the bulk of the destruction, but when investigated closely, such an assumption would be proven to be absurd. Of course, racism has not been entirely eradicated from the American society, and no one racial group can honestly plead complete innocence to displaying racist behavior at one time or another. Singling out an entire group of people in a racism accusation is ridiculous, to say the least. There is a considerable lack of documen ted support for his claim; the basis of his argumentRead MoreRacism Today in the United States1549 Words  | 7 PagesRacism Today in the United States After living in a place like Bend Oregon for 18 years I haven’t ever noticed a difference between blacks and whites. Bend has been said to be â€Å"one of the whitest places to live†, yet I never viewed a city by its race. Being racist to me meant that it was the whites who had a problem with the blacks and whites didn’t want anything to do with blacks. I hadn’t actually seen racism in action from anyone here. Now, after watching the film Crash and reading the essaysRead MoreRacism And Discrimination : The United States1260 Words  | 6 Pagesremember when racism and discrimination was an immense element that held people back in society. Race has always been a social construction in the United States, created in the minds of Americans and manifested through interactions but yet remains as a false determination of a human being. When we think back to earlier times many immigrants came over because of the â€Å"American Dream,†an idea that every citizen can have equal opportunities to achieve and live successful lives. The United States was the lighthouseRead MoreRacism And Ethnic Separation Of The United States1386 Words  | 6 PagesRacism and ethnic separation in the United States has been a noteworthy issue subsequent to the provincial period and the slave time. Legitimately or socially endorsed benefits and rights were given to White Americans that were not allowed to Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latin Americans. European Americans (especially Anglo Americans) were conceded select benefits in matters of training, migration, voting rights, citizenship, land procurement, and criminal method
Monday, May 18, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie The Godfather - 1463 Words
Francis Ford Coppola works within a lot of different genres, but still manages to capture the essence of one genre. I’m unsure whether to call it a genre or not, but it certainly is one of the basic stories told throughout time, rebirth. Each tale deals with a man discovering and being incorporated into the darkness surrounding him. He’s reborn into that darkness. Either with a renewal of light or death. Each movie works within its genre and also twists it to tell his own, more dramatic tale. One interpretation of auteur theory applies to his continuous changing of stereotypical genres. â€Å"Auteur theory is when a director creates a film that breaks the codes and conventions seen regularly in movies of the same genre.†One of Coppola’s traits is the expressive use of light. Which can help understand the tale, cleverly hide reality or do both. Within The Godfather, the light following Michael clued you on to his emotional state. In the beginning he was s urrounded by light, showing his distance from the darker edge of his family’s business; but this was taken away by his father’s injury and the light helped him fade into the background. You could sense his inner turmoil about getting involved or not. The light, setting and costuming did not pop out. Or grab you. It just stayed muted, as Michael just went through life without noticing anything but death. Finally, it all culminated in the church scene. Michael stands there in a dim, shadowy monastery with a low light attemptingShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : Film Analysis Of The Godfather971 Words  | 4 Pages The Godfather I and two sequels are of course a very well written and famous film series. But that is not why I chose it. I chose it because even though it is rated a very well written film, I truly did analyze this film as if I were rating it, so for the above link for my specific sequence, I used the techniques I learned throughout this semester to analyze it. In the past when I have watched the first Godfather with friends, they got bored easily and thought it was slow and not entertaining. ButRead MoreMovie Analysis : The Godfather Part II1231 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"The Godfather Part II†is the second movie in the Godfather trilogy, and mentioned as one of the best movies of all time. Is this a fair criticism of the movie? Well, the only way to find out is to dissect a movie and what makes it great. A movie can be critiqued in a variety of ways, but one of the main criticisms is how the visuals explain the story, and bring it to life. The story of a movie, and how it flows, is the pivotal component that draws viewers in and keeps their interest. With moviesRead MoreThe Movie The Godfather 1537 Words  | 7 PagesFrancis Ford Coppola directed the gangster crime drama film, The Godfather (1972), inspired by the novel of the same name, written by Author Mario Puzo. The film plays out in the beginning how Don Corleone declined to join the narcotics business with notorious drug lord Sollozzo. With this in mind, one of the greatest gangster films created by a man who decided to lead, and not follows. Moreover, explaining the formalist approach for this film which covers an array of elements that include plotRead MoreBrothers Grimm and Beautiful Mind1109 Words  | 5 PagesA Beautiful Mind Film Analysis A Beautiful Mind Film Analysis This movie is based on the true story of the brilliant mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr. He made remarkable advancements in the field of mathematics at a young age and had a very promising future. Unfortunately, John Nash had problems deciphering the difference betwe Premium 855 Words 4 Pages * Film Analysis: a Beautiful Mind WEEK 3 A Beautiful Mind Film Analysis xxxxxx x. xxxxxx xx UniversityRead MoreThe Godfather and the Meaning of Family1055 Words  | 5 PagesThe Godfather A family is a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, and is considered a group, whether they reside together or not; the traditional family, which usually consists of family values and beliefs. In American literature family serves as a base in our society which can be shaped and molded into many different forms. Mario Puzo’s The Godfather demonstrates family as a successful business, with strict and traditional Italian roots. The story is focuses on the CorleoneRead More Film Contributions of the Sixties Essay1651 Words  | 7 Pagesimportant filmmaker of the period was Francis Ford Coppola, who was responsible for the Godfather series. The film does feature the home life of members of the Mafia. Many other gangster films have done this, but no other film emphasized the domestic side of gangsters to the extent that the Godfather (1972) did. Film critic William S. Pechter remarked that we se the mean in the Mafia â€Å"as members of a family†: as godfather, father, grandparent, son and brother. The viewer’s predominant image of Don CorleoneRead MoreDigital Convergence Impact On The Film Industry1410 Words  | 6 Pageshas been an extreme advance in media technology, especially that used in film industry. This includes the creation of analog-to-digital converters, technology convergence, and the changes in the media industry and audiences. In this article, I will analysis how digital con vergence impact on the film industry structure, forms of consumption with the innovation of revenue models and cultural production. Industry Structure In the digital era of convergent media, the most obvious about the change of cinemaRead MoreCultural Competence And The Media1902 Words  | 8 Pagesmuch before big movies like â€Å"The GodFather†and â€Å"GoodFellas†, which are two of the most well-known and influential movies surrounding the culture, but do they accurately depict how all Italians conduct themselves? Reports show that it does not matter if the depictions are accurate, we as Americans have drawn our own conclusions about this particular group based on only the things we have seen in the media. â€Å"An earlier poll by the Princeton-based Response Analysis Corporation revealed that 74% ofRead More Identifying Heroes: The Godfather and Pulp Fiction Essay3269 Words  | 14 Pages Identifying Heroes: The Godfather and Pulp Fiction The form of Classical Hollywood films is, first and foremost, invisible. In a Classical Hollywood film, the narrative is foremost, and style serves the narrative. Camera angles, lighting and editing patterns such as the shot/reverse-shot pattern aim to give us the best possible perspective on the unfolding events(1). These events are arranged in a strongly causality-oriented linear narrative, with one event causing the next. This narrative is arrangedRead MoreInvestigating How Genre and Narrative are Established in Oceans Eleven and The Bone Collector1551 Words  | 7 PagesInvestigating How Genre and Narrative are Established in Oceans Eleven and The Bone Collector In order to examine how genre and narrative is established in two crime films, we conducted a close textual analysis of Ocean’s Eleven and The Bone Collector to find out the main conventions. The main conventions of the crime genre are law enforcers, criminals and action sequence. There are also other signifers such as criminals and etc. You can find typical iconography in the
Monday, May 11, 2020
Discover Study Habits That Support Your Learning Style
All students learn through a combination of seeing, hearing, and experiencing. However, for most students, one learning style stands out. Research has shown that students who study in a way that supports their learning style can perform better on tests and improve their grades. For example, visual learners sometimes struggle during essay exams because they cant recall test material that was presented orally during class. However, if the visual learner uses a visual aid when studying, like a colorful outline of test materials, he or she may retain more information. Read on to discover the characteristics of and ideal learning strategies for each learning style. Visual Learner Characteristics Visual learners are those who learn through seeing. Visual learners typically share the following characteristics: Good at spelling, but forgets first namesFind quiet study time beneficialEnjoy colors and fashionDream in colorUnderstand visual elements and chartsAble to learn sign language easily Learning Suggestions for Visual Learners Draw a map of events in history or draw scientific process.Make outlines of reading assignments.Copy whats on the board.Diagram sentences.Use flashcards.Take notes and make lists.Watch videos.Mark up your notes with highlighters, underlines, and color coding. Test Types for Visual Learners Best test type: Diagram activities, map reading, essay tests, demonstrating a process.Worst test type: Listening tests Auditory Learner Characteristics Auditory learners are those who learn best through hearing. They typically share the following characteristics: Like to read out loudUnafraid to speak up in classGood at giving explanations and oral reportsRemember namesNotice sound effects in moviesEnjoy musicAble to follow spoken directionsStruggle to stay quiet for long periods of timeFocused in study groups Learning Suggestions for Auditory Learners Use word association to remember factsRecord lecturesWatch videosRepeat facts with eyes closedParticipate in group discussionsUse audio for language practiceRead your notes out loud after writing them Test Types for Auditory Learners Best test type: Oral exams and writing responses to lectures.Worst test type: Reading passages and writing answers in a timed test. Kinesthetic Learner Characteristics Kinesthetic learners are those who learn through hands-on experience. Kinesthetic learners typically share the following characteristics: Good at sportsCant sit still for longMay have sloppy handwriting.Learn well through lab and modeling activitiesStudy with loud musicEnjoy adventure books and moviesFidgety during lectures Learning Suggestions for Kinesthetic Learners Study in short blocksTake lab-based classesAct out your study notesTake field trips to reinforce knowledgeStudy in groupsUse flashcards and memory games Test Types for Auditory Learners Best test type: Short definitions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and multiple choice.Worst test type: Essay tests and any overly long tests.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Karl Marx and Durkheim - 932 Words
The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were full of evolving social and economic ideas. These views of the social structure of urban society came about through the development of ideas taken from the past revolutions. As the Industrial Revolution progressed through out the world, so did the gap between the class structures. The development of a capitalist society was a very favorable goal for the upper class. By using advanced methods of production introduced by the Industrial Revolution, they were able to earn a substantial surplus by ruling the middle class. Thus, maintaining their present class of life, while the middle class was exploited and degraded. At this time in history, social theorists like Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx†¦show more content†¦Together these comprise the mode of production; Marx observed that within any given society the mode of production changes, and that European societies had progressed from a feudal mode of production to a capitalist mode of p roduction. In general, Marx believed that the means of production change more rapidly than the relations of production (for example, we develop a new technology, such as the Internet, and only later do we develop laws to regulate that technology). For Marx this mismatch between (economic) base and (social) superstructure is a major source of social disruption and conflict. Alienation is a process whereby people come to be divorced or isolated from the society around them Marx argues that alienation in capitalist societies is due to the fact that in work, we each contribute to the common wealth, but can only express this fundamentally social aspect of ourselves through a production system that is not social but privately owned, for which we function as instruments, not as social beings. Criticism Marx attributes alienation to the social organization specific to capitalism. Critics point out that mass society has its own dynamics, which may be distinct fromShow MoreRelatedEmile Durkheim And Karl Marx746 Words  | 3 PagesEmile Durkheim and Karl Marx are considered the founding fathers of sociology. Both men had an influence on the development of sociology. Marx and Durkheim differed in their idea of what alienation consisted of. For Marx, the issue was class conflict. While, for Durkheim, it was a disordered society trying to adapt. Although they both had different concepts of alienation, both men believed that alienation lead to a man’s disconnectedness with society and their natural state of mind. Durkheim and MarxRead MoreEmile Durkheim And Karl Marx Essay1709 Words  | 7 Pages(Bratton Denham, 2014). Two of the main sociological theorists, Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim, had different understandings of the notion about the division of labor. This topic has be en contested and debated by many theorists but this paper is going to focus on how Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx views this topic. Karl Marx views the division of labor as a process that alienates the individual from their work (Llorente, 2006). Marx also views the division of labor as a way for the capitalist bourgeoisieRead MoreKarl Marx And Emile Durkheim1149 Words  | 5 Pages Is society created by class conflicts or by religious teachings? Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim opine in a polarizing fashion on the framework and functioning of a society; one asserts that conflict shapes society, the other argues that society is a product cohesion due to the presence of the quintessential social fact, religion. Religion fosters a collective conscious on grounds of shared beliefs and values, argues Durkheim. Marx, on the other hand, claims that social classes and the conflict betweenRead MoreKarl Marx And Emile Durkheim Essay1976 Words  | 8 Pages Writing in the late 19th and early 20th century, during a drastic period of change, Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim, two of sociology’s most renowned thinkers, challenged multiple facets of the capitalist social structures in which they found themselves. Marx, a conflict theorist, and Durkheim, a functionalist, sought to analyze and explain capitalist society. In this brief analysis, their theories regarding the will be compared, contrasted, and critically engaged with - highlighting the differencesRead MoreKarl Marx And Emile Durkheim1316 Words  | 6 Pagessurvive. However, all of that had changed when Capitalism and industrialization have been introduced to the world. Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim had different views on what the important aspects are that made up â€Å"modern†society. To Marx, the conflict between the classes and the division of labour caused social structures, which, as a result, caused alienation, which, according to Marx, are important aspects of modern society. With Capitalism c ame along industrialization, which required workers andRead MoreEmile Durkheim vs. Karl Marx1689 Words  | 7 Pages------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Emile Durkheim vs. Karl Marx Durkheim vs. Marx Introduction: For so many years, authorities from each field have deliberated normative theories to explain what holds the society together. Almost each specialist, from structural functionalism, positivism and conflict theory perspective, had contributed their works trying to illustrate main problematic to our society. In one way, one of the EmileRead MoreThe Views of Marx Weber, Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim on Religion 1475 Words  | 6 PagesMarx Weber, Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim Ordinarily, religion is one of the rationales of social orientations, that in one way or another influences the society’s social stability. This is because religion is the impelling force for regulations in the society as well as a destabilizing drive for transformation. Marx Weber together with Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim were very influential personalities in the course of the 19th century, and even now. In one way or another, these persons attempted toRead MoreKarl Marx, Max Weber And Emile Durkheim1447 Words  | 6 Pageswill be a part of culture and society. Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim are the top three most important figures in sociology; and although each of them viewed religion differently, I strongly believe that they understood its power, and demonstrated its importance to people and societies. As such, I will utilize all three of these great minds, to demonstrate religion as an important and permanent part of culture and society. Let s begin with Karl Marx, and his conflict theory. AccordingRead MoreEssay on Perspectives of Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx1215 Words  | 5 PagesPerspectives of Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were full of evolving social and economic ideas. These views of the social structure of urban society came about through the development of ideas taken from the past revolutions. As the Industrial Revolution progressed through out the world, so did the gap between the class structures. The development of a capitalist society was a very favorable goal for the upper class. By using advanced methods of productionRead MoreKarl Marx, Emile Durkheim And Max Weber929 Words  | 4 Pagespeople did not have in the past such as getting food from the grocery store instead of having to find food on our own. Society was originally focused on a single belief, but now our society has expanded and several beliefs are now common. Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber all have their own observations on social change and order and how certain things dramatically affect the outcome of a society. Marx’s view on social change is influenced by the class struggle that involved the ruling
Investigating Ratios of Areas and Volumes Free Essays
Investigating Ratios of Areas and Volumes In this portfolio, I will be investigating the ratios of the areas and volumes formed from a curve in the form y = xn between two arbitrary parameters x = a and x = b, such that a b. This will be done by using integration to find the area under the curve or volume of revolution about an axis. The two areas that will be compared will be labeled ‘A’ and ‘B’ (see figure A). We will write a custom essay sample on Investigating Ratios of Areas and Volumes or any similar topic only for you Order Now In order to prove or disprove my conjectures, several different values for n will be used, including irrational, real numbers (? , v2). In addition, the values for a and b will be altered to different values to prove or disprove my conjectures. In order to aid in the calculation, a TI-84 Plus calculator will be used, and Microsoft Excel and WolframAlpha (http://www. wolframalpha. com/) will be used to create and display graphs. Figure A 1. In the first problem, region B is the area under the curve y = x2 and is bounded by x = 0, x = 1, and the x-axis. Region A is the region bounded by the curve, y = 0, y = 1, and the y-axis. In order to find the ratio of the two areas, I first had to calculate the areas of both regions, which is seen below. For region A, I integrated in relation to y, while for region B, I integrated in relation to x. Therefore, the two formulas that I used were y = x2 and x = vy, or x = y1/2. The ratio of region A to region B was 2:1. Next, I calculated the ratio for other functions of the type y = xn where n ? ?+ between x = 0 and x = 1. The first value of n that I tested was 3. Because the formula is y = x3, the inverse of that is x = y1/3. In this case, the value for n was 3, and the ratio was 3:1 or 3. I then used 4 for the value of n. In this case, the formula was y = x4 and its inverse was x = y1/4. For the value n = 4, the ratio was 4:1, or 4. After I analyzed these 3 values of n and their corresponding ratios of areas, I came up with my first conjecture: Conjecture 1: For all positive integers n, in the form y = xn, where the graph is between x = 0 and x = 1, the ratio of region A to region B is equal to n. In order to test this conjecture further, I used other numbers that were not necessarily integers as n and placed them in the function y = xn. In this case, I used n = ?. The two equations were y = x1/2 and x = y2. For n = ? , the ratio was 1:2, or ?. I also used ? as a value of n. In this case, the two functions were y = x? and x = y1/?. Again, the value of n was ? , and the ratio was ? :1, or ?. As a result, I concluded that Conjecture 1 was true for all positive real numbers n, in the form y = xn, between x = 0 and x = 1. 2. After proving that Conjecture 1 was true, I used other parameters to check if my conjecture was only true for x = 0 to x = 1, or if it could be applied to all possible parameters. First, I tested the formula y = xn for all positive real numbers n from x = 0 to x = 2. My first value for n was 2. The two formulas used were y = x2 and x = y1/2. In this case, the parameters were from x = 0 to x = 2, but the y parameters were from y = 0 to y = 4, because 02 = 0 and 22 = 4. In this case, n was 2, and the ratio was 2:1, or 2. I also tested a different value for n, 3, with the same x-parameters. The two formulas were y = x3 and x = y1/3. The y-parameters were y = 0 to y = 8. Again, the n value, 3, was the same as the ratio, 3:1. In order to test the conjecture further, I decided to use different values for the x-parameters, from x = 1 to x = 2. Using the general formula y = xn, I used 2 for the n value. Again, the ratio was equal to the n value. After testing the conjecture multiple times with different parameters, I decided to update my conjecture to reflect my findings. The n value did not necessarily have to be an integer; using fractions such as ? and irrational numbers such as ? did not affect the outcome. Regardless of the value for n, as long as it was positive, the ratio was always equal to n. In addition, the parameters did not have an effect on the ratio; it remained equal to the value used for n. Conjecture 2: For all positive real numbers n, in the form y = xn, where the graph is between x = a and x = b and a b, the ratio of region A to region B is equal to n. . In order to prove my second conjecture true, I used values from the general case in order to prove than any values a and b will work. So, instead of specific values, I made the x-parameters from x = a to x = b. By doing this, region A will be the region bounded by y = xn, y = an, y = bn, and the y-axis. Region B is the region enclosed by y = xn, x = a, x = b, and the x-axis. The formulas used were y = xn and x = y1/n. The ratio of region A to region B is n:1, or n. This proves my conjecture correct, because the value for n was equivalent to the ratio of the two regions. . The next part of the portfolio was to determine the ratio of the volumes of revolution of regions A and B when rotated around the x-axis and the y-axis. First, I determined the ratio of the volumes of revolutions when the function is rotated about the x-axis. For the first example, I will integrate from x = 0 to x = 1 with the formula y = x2. In this case, n = 2. When region B is rotated about the x-axis, it can be easily solved with the volume of rotation formula. When region A is rotated about the x-axis, the resulting volume will be bounded by y = 4 and y = x2. The value for n is 2, while the ratio is 4:1. In this case, I was able to figure out the volume of A by subtracting the volume of B from the cylinder formed when the entire section (A and B) is rotated about the x-axis. For the next example, I integrated the function y = x2 from x = 1 to x = 2. In this case, I would have to calculate region A using a different method. By finding the volume of A rotated around the x-axis, I would also find the volume of the portion shown in figure B labeled Q. This is because region A is bounded by y = 4, y = x2, and y = 1. Therefore, I would have to then subtract the volume of region Q rotated around the x-axis in order to get the volume of only region A. In this case, the value for n was 2, and the ratio was 4:1. After this, I decided to try one more example, this time with y = x3 but using the same parameters as the previous problem. So, the value for n is 3 and the parameters are from x = 1 to x = 2. In this case, n was equal to 3, and the ratio was 6:1. In the next example that I did, I chose a non-integer number for n, to determine whether the current pattern of the ratio being two times the value of n was valid. For this one, I chose n = ? with the parameters being from x = 0 to x = 1. In this case, n = ? and the ratio was 2? :1, or 2?. After this, I decided to make a conjecture based on the 4 examples that I had completed. Because I had used multiple variations for the parameters, I have established that they do not play a role in the ratio; only the value for n seems to have an effect. Conjecture 3: For all positive real numbers n, in the form y = xn, where the function is limited from x = a to x = b and a b, the ratio of region A to region B is equal to two times the value of n. In order to prove this conjecture, I used values from the general case in order to prove than any values a and b will work. So, instead of specific values, I made the x-parameters from x = a to x = b. By doing this, region A will be the region bounded by y = xn, y = an, y = bn, and the y-axis. Region B is the region enclosed by y = xn, x = a, x = b, and the x-axis. In this example, n = n and the ratio was equal to 2n:1. This proves my conjecture that the ratio is two times the value for n. When the two regions are rotated about the x-axis, the ratio is two times the value for n. However, this does not apply to when they are rotated about the y-axis. In order to test that, I did 3 examples, one being the general equation. The first one I did was for y = x2 from x = 1 to x =2. When finding the volume of revolution in terms of the y-axis, it is important to note that the function must be changed into terms of x. Therefore, the function that I will use is x = y1/2. In addition, the y-parameters are from y = 1 to y = 4, because the x values are from 1 to 2. In this example, n = 2 and the ratio was 1:1. The next example that I did was a simpler one, but the value for n was not an integer. Instead, I chose ? , and the x-parameters were from x = 0 to x = 1. The formula used was x = y1/?. In this example, the ratio was ? :2, or ? /2. After doing this example, and using prior knowledge of the regions revolved around the x-axis, I was able to come up with a conjecture for the ratio of regions A and B revolving around the y-axis. Conjecture 4: For all positive real numbers n, in the form y = xn, where the function is limited from x = a to x = b and a b, the ratio of region A to region B is equal to one half the value of n. In order to prove this conjecture, I used values from the general case in order to prove than any values a and b will work. This is similar to what I did to prove Conjecture 3. So, instead of specific values, I made the x-parameters from x = a to x = b. By doing this, region A will be the region bounded by y = xn, y = an, y = bn, and the y-axis. Region B is the region enclosed by y = xn, x = a, x = b, and the x-axis. The ratio that I got at the end was n:2, which is n/2. Because the value of n is n, this proves that my conjecture is correct. In conclusion, the ratio of the areas formed by region A and region B is equal to the value of n. n can be any positive real number, when it is in the form y = xn. The parameters for this function are x = a and x = b, where a b. In terms of volumes of revolution, when both regions are revolved around the x-axis, the ratio is two times the value of n, or 2n. However, when both regions A and B are revolved around the y-axis, the ratio is one half the value of n, or n/2. In both situations, n includes the set of all positive real numbers. How to cite Investigating Ratios of Areas and Volumes, Papers
Role of Women in Canterbury Tales Essay Example For Students
Role of Women in Canterbury Tales Essay The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer serves as a moral manual for the 1300s and years after. Through the faults of both men and woman, he shows in each persons story what is right and wrong and how one should live. Under the surface, however, lies a jaded look and woman and how they cause for the downfall of men. The Knights Tale is one of chivalry and upstanding moral behavior. However, beneath the surface lies the theme of the evil nature of women. Emily plays the part of the beautiful woman who captivates the hearts of two unsuspecting men. Those two men are cousins Arcite and Palamon, both knights who duel for Emilys hand in marriage. The two start out as the best of friends and then roommates in a jail cell that is to be shared for eternity. But with one look at Emily, the two start bickering instinctively and almost come to blows over something they will never be able to have, or so it seems. Chaucers knack for irony revels itself as Arcite is released from his life sentence but disallowed from ever coming back to Athens. He would be killed ever caught within the city again by King Theseus. Because Arcite is doomed to never again see Emily, his broken heart causes him sickness as hes weakened by love. It is only after he comes up with the plan of returning to Athens under an assumed nam e that he starts to get better. Meanwhile, Palamon remains back in captivity, rendered helpless due to his lifelong punishment in prison. He knows that he will never be able to talk to Emily and certainly not marry her because of his plight. All he can do is watch her froma distance and admire her beauty. Arcite believes that this is a better punishment than his, though, as he says:O dere cosin Palamon, quod he,Thyn is the victorie of this aventureFul blisfully in prison maistow dure;In prison? Certes nay, but in paradys!Wel hath fortuen y-turned thee the dys,That hast the sighte of hir, and I thadsence. But I, that am exyled and bareyneOf alle grace, and in so greet despeir,That ther nis erthe, water, fyr, ne eir,Ne creature, that of hem maked is,That may me helpe or doon confort in this:Wel oughte I sterve in wanhope and distresse;Farwel my lyf, my lust, and my gladnesse! (58 and 60)Emily has caused him such distress that he cries all the time and contemplates killing himself so he wont have to feel this every day pain that appears to have no end. All of this because of a woman. Emily is a sweet, innocent woman of her times. In a strange twist for a woman of The Canterbury Tales, she is perfectly happy alone and doesnt ever want to be married. Yet, Palamon and Arcite duel twice for Emilys love and Arcite ends up losing his life all because of her. Palamon, winning her by default, serves Emily faithfully for several years before she agrees to marry him, still notloving him, though. No one wins in The Knights Tale, but it is the two men who fight over the woman who lose the most. The Nuns Priests Tale is perhaps the best representation of mens downfall due to the influence of women. The story revolves around a rooster, Chauntercleer, the most beautiful cock in all of England with the sweetest voice an any ear has heard. He has seven wives but his favorite was Pertelote, an elegant hen in her own right. It is this woman, this female, that causes Chauntercleer greattrouble. One night Chauntercleer wakes suddenly from a bad dream. Seemingly seeking comfort in her, he tells Pertelot about the dream which involves a wild, rampant dog with beady eyes coming after Chauntercleer.But instead of consoling her husband, she challenges his manhood and says that no man hers should be scared of a dream. This causes Chauntercleer to go off on a tangent about the many, many times in history dreams have predicted the future and hownon-believers suffered the consciences of not taking the proper precautions. After he done, however, he says that Pertelot is probably right and goe s off about his day not giving it another thought. This causes the narrator to take an aside from thestory to tell us his own opinion on women but says that it is the belief of many men and not his own in an attempt to perhaps cover himself. In this he says:Wommennes counseils been ful ofte colde;Wommannes counseil broughte us first to wo,And made Adam fro paradys to go,Theras he was ful mery, and wel at ese. .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962 , .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962 .postImageUrl , .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962 , .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962:hover , .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962:visited , .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962:active { border:0!important; } .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962:active , .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962 .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uff79293c1c7cc202d568bb8084d1d962:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Not a chance EssayBut for I noot to whom it mighte displeseIf I counseil of wommen wolde blame,Passe over, for I seyde it in my game. Rede auctours, wher they trete of swich matere,And what they seyn of wommen ye may here. Thise been the cokkes wordes, and nat myne;I can noon harm of no womman divyne. (404)Chauntecleer later is indeed attacked by a wolf and carried away to the woods to his certain doom before slipping away, proving the point that women are the downfall of men. If he had listened to himself and his dreams instead of Pertelote, Chauntecleer would have been more cautious of not of had the near-death encounter he did.Finally, the prologue to the Wife Of Baths Tale shows the reader another type of woman of the time, this time in the effect of the story teller. The Wife Of Bath is a tough woman with a mind of her own and shes not afraid to speak it. She intimidates men and woman alike due to the strength she possesses. But instead of showing this as a good characteristic, Chaucer makes her toothless andugly. She has also had five different husbands and countless affairs, thus breaking innocent mens hearts. In one part of the prologue, the Wife Of Bath speaks of marriage and women from a mans point of view:Thou lykenest wommanes love to helle,To bareyne lond, ther water may not dwelle. Thou lyknest is also to wilde fyr:The more it brenneth, the more it hath desyrTo consume every thing that brent wol be. Thous seyst right as wormes shende a tree,Right so a wyf destroyeth hir housebonde;This knowe they that been to wyves bonde. (198)The Wife Of Bath brings up many a valid point throughout the prologue but Chaucer voids her opinion because of her social class and looks, when in truth she is very wise. It is as if her intelligence is overshadowed by the fact that has had five husbands and considered something of a whore.It is not only in three narrations that women are thought of as having an evil-like quality, that they always tempt and take from men, but in almost every one of the stories. They are depicted of untrustworthy, selfish and very vain throughout the collection of tales. Chaucer obviously has very opinionated views of the marriage and the opposite sex and expresses it very strongly in TheCanterbury Tales.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Financial Statement Analysis Profitability Ratios
Question: Describe about the Financial Statement Analysis? Answer: Total Assets The total assets of the company have been stable over the years. It has been in the range of 135000 million USD, over the 5 years range with +/- 10%. This indicates a strong network and control over the assets. Year 2013 has shown the highest figure in 4 years period. Asset Structure Looking at the asset structure of the company it can be said that it has maintained a strong asset structure, with majority of the investment (More than 80%) in Non Current Assets. Of this Goodwill forms 50% of the Total Non-Current Assets, and has been rising due to the growing popularity of the company. However investment in cash has been too low and for the years 2011 and 2010, the same was exceptionally low. The same needs to be ensured to be kept at optimum levels so as to ensure a proper liquidity position. Liability and Equity Growth The Liability growth has been in a abnormal trend. Initially the same was falling indicating a good signal. However, in the year 2013 it has increased a lot as compared to other years. Hence the same must be controlled. Similar trend was seen in Equity Growth as well. In the term of 5 years it was the lowest in 2010. As regards the retained earnings are concerned the same is increasing in a very steady manner over the years, and in the 5 year period the same has grown substantially. The same has grown from $ 57,309 m to $ 80,197 m in this period. This is the result of the exception profitable performance of the company. Income Statement Net Sales The sales of the company are growing in a reasonable fashion. In all the years of the period under review the same is growing and has been in a steady fashion. Cost of Goods The cost of goods sold of the company are reasonably low. This is the reason for the strong financial position and the good profitability of the concern. It has been at around 50% of the sales. Gross Profits Since the Cost of Goods Sold has been low, the Gross Profit has also been very high and has been at around 50% of the sales. For some years the GP was more than 50% as well. General Expenses The other general expenses of the company has also been quite stable over the period under review. It has been at 50% of the Gross profit and most importantly it is under control and has been maintained at that level. EBT Income before taxes have been quite good. It is more than 15% for all the years. It was however, seen that in 2012 the same has fallen. However, for the year 2013 the company reviewed and it has been made at a good levels. Net Income considering the net income levels the company has not been much good in this year. Over the years this figure has shown to be falling as compared to the sales. This is a serious matter to be considered by the management and before making any investment decision. Share Outstanding The share outstanding has also remained in somewhat stable manner, indicating that not many issues have been made in shares arena. Depreciation and Amortisation The depreciation and amortization expenses of the company are not in a single trend. For some of the years the same has fallen while in some it has been in huge levels. In 2013 it was however at a much low levels. Taxes Looking at the figures it can be seen that the tax expenses of the company are falling over the period. It is a very good indication of profitability, as in a way the unproductive expenses are reducing and the company is retaining the maximum for its own growth and development. Cash Flow Statement Net Cash from Operating Activities The cash flows from operating activities has been in a line. It has been at around $ 14000 m. The year 2010 had shown exception results and in that year the cash flow was the highest. Net Cash from Investing Activities No trend can be fitted to this item of the company financial statement. However, there is one similarity that in all the years under the review the same has been in the investment arena, and has been negative. The year 2010 had lowest investment figures while in 2013 there was exceptional and was highest. Net Cash from Financial Activities The cash flow form Financial Activities have been negative. This has remained so for all the years. This indicates that the capital has been liquidating and the company is able to repay its debts. In the year 2010 this repayment was maximum and in 2013 the lowest. Net Change in Cash Net changes in cash have been fluctuating. In 2010 there was a negative cash flow while in all the other years the same was some-what of a profitable nature. Free Cash Flow The overall free cash flows have been positive with the year 2010 being the highest generating year. Ratio Liquidity Ratio Current ratio For the years under the review the company has maintained the current ratio at around 0.8 level. However, this low level of Current Ratio is a signal of poor profitability. A current ratio of 2 is ideal. This low ratio can create liquidity crisis. Quick ratio The quick ratio has also been at around 0.4-0.5. This low figures, i.e. lower than 1 can be a matter of concern in the years to come. Asset Management Ratio Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) The average sale outstanding days has been around 28 days. Considering the industry average the same is ok , and is an indication of better management of receivables. Fixed Asset Turnover This ratio has been maintained at 4 steadily showing that the company has been utilizing the assets in an optimum manner in all the years. Total Asset Turnover This ratio has also been quite stable and at 0.60. However considering the industry trend it seems to be a bit low, and must be at around 0.8 Inventory Turnover This ratio has been at around 6 times, indicating that the company is revolving its inventory in an optimum manner and is not piling up much stock. This indicates good inventory management at the company. Debt Management Ratios Debt Ratio The Debt ratio of the concern is considerably low and it has also been discussed earlier that the company has a primary focus on equity component more than the debt. Times Interest Earned The number of times interest earned has been fluctuating. It has been from 16-25. This is a poor signal of the companys debt management fund. Profitability Ratios Profit Margins The company has been in good profitability and has given profit figures for more than 10% in each year. The same was 16%, and the highest in 2009. From then the ratio is declining. Return on Assets The return on assets has been maintained at around 8%-10%. This shows that the company has optimally utilized the total assets of the concern. Return on Equity The return in equity has been at a quite good ratio, and has been more than 15% for all the years. This indicates that the company is well using the funds of the investor. Other Data Tax rate The effective tax rate of the company has been around 25%. For the year 2011 and 2013 it was near 20%. This is a proper signal and an indication of good fiscal structure of the organization.
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